Published on05/01/2024 9:18 am
AED Certification Classes Online are undoubtedly a smart choice. But how can you make sure your choice of the certification course is just as smart? After all, proper certification courses are important. And with so many classes available some may not be good enough, for one reason or another.
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Published on03/07/2023 8:01 am
Not just doctors and other healthcare professionals need training in CPR and First Aid. CPR Certification is now a requirement for many jobs, including:
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Published on12/29/2022 10:22 am
The heart is a major organ of our body serving as an electrical pump and circulating the generated electricity across the adjacent muscles to help them contract and expand properly for creating a regular heartbeat.
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Published on12/03/2022 8:56 am
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is one of the most essential lifesaving skills that can help you save the life of another person in an emergency. With the online CPR Class Certification, you will become a master of the life-saving technique.
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Published on05/23/2022 12:14 pm
As per American Heart Association, one out of every 7.4 people in the United States dies due to sudden cardiac arrest. On the other hand, according to the National Safety Council, research shows that increased access to AED can save as many as 40000 lives per year.
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Published on05/05/2022 9:45 am
Sudden cardiac arrest is a very time crucial emergency. When someone suffers a sudden cardiac arrest, it is crucial that CPR is immediately provided and an AED is used quickly to help save their life. With this, the survival rate of the person from cardiac arrest can go up.
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Published on11/16/2021 9:03 am
Do you want to have a CPR Certification? Then, do not search for more as you are at the right place for getting your CPR Course done.
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Published on10/07/2021 8:47 am
When it comes to taking AED Training Online, you must be wondering what AED stands for. AED is automated external defibrillator; a device is used for providing first aid to heat patients.
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Published on09/17/2021 11:22 am
When people suffer cardiac arrest outside of medical premises, the biggest difference between those who survive and those who do not is the person who performed CPR AED on the survivors.
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Published on01/29/2021 9:23 am
Are you considering to take up Online AED Training? Then you need to understand why AED Training is needed, but before that you must have a clear idea about an AED device.
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