Published on09/17/2021 11:22 am
When people suffer cardiac arrest outside of medical premises, the biggest difference between those who survive and those who do not is the person who performed CPR AED on the survivors.
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Published on01/11/2021 8:46 am
Before we know what the need of AED Training is; we must explore what an AED device is. AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator – which is a machine used for the automatic diagnosis of life threatening cardiac arrhythmias of ventricular fibrillation & pulses ventricular tachycardia.
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Published on03/06/2020 11:02 am
First Aid CPR Training Online can help you overturn a possible brain death in a victim. On this account, having CPR AED Training can make you become a favorite candidate for a job offer.
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