Published on06/03/2022 10:34 am
CPR Certification Online is a great way to get trained and certified in lifesaving CPR and first aid skills. They prove valuable for anyone whether you are in the medical field, a parent, or someone who just wants to prepare for medical emergencies.
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Published on05/23/2022 12:14 pm
As per American Heart Association, one out of every 7.4 people in the United States dies due to sudden cardiac arrest. On the other hand, according to the National Safety Council, research shows that increased access to AED can save as many as 40000 lives per year.
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Published on04/16/2022 10:15 am
If you have a look at statistics, you will notice many die each year due to sudden cardiac arrest. You will also notice that such illness often happens at places where it is time-consuming for medical professionals to reach.
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Published on10/07/2021 8:47 am
When it comes to taking AED Training Online, you must be wondering what AED stands for. AED is automated external defibrillator; a device is used for providing first aid to heat patients.
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Published on09/01/2021 9:55 am
If you somehow managed to see someone else experience the ill effects of a coronary failure or unexpected heart failure, would you realize what to do? Circumstances like this happen daily, and we do not influence them.
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Published on01/29/2021 9:23 am
Are you considering to take up Online AED Training? Then you need to understand why AED Training is needed, but before that you must have a clear idea about an AED device.
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Published on12/15/2020 9:43 am
More than 350,000 Americans undergo cardiac arrest every year. Nearly 10, 000 of these sudden cardiac arrests happen in the workplace.
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Published on09/04/2020 12:55 pm
CPR AED Certification Online is the easiest way to ensure you’re prepared for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests.
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Published on04/06/2020 8:53 am
Online AED Training: Mastering Life-Saving Skills With Your Free Time
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Published on02/12/2020 9:06 am
CPR AED Certification Online can help you understand how to perform CPR on a cardiac attack patient.
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